Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ironing my garden


I woke up hearing Chris getting ready for work. I pulled the towel over my eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. Finally I got up and started my day. I went outside to water the plants with the iron dilution that I used on the garden. Then I checked e-mail for messages and cleared out some that were obvious wastes of time.

I went to the garden and checked the irrigation. No new leaks. I checked the bucket traps. No mice. I tied a piece of netting over the tomato plants in anticipation of shade cloth. I went to 621 to do one last walkthrough, but Jamie's van was in the driveway. So I went home.

I put on Mike Adams talking about the attempted assassination. I listened as I went through and tested a bucketful of batteries that someone left behind. Chris came home early for lunch. He checked on the pork roast in the oven. He got drips on his shirt so I put it in a bucket with soap and ammonia to soak. Then he played on his laptop till he had to go back to work.

I parsed supplements, then made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I went to 621 with a dust mop. Jamie came over to blow out the garage one last time. The inspectors came and passed the house. I went to Housing to turn in the key. I came home and massaged the numbers on hours until I got nice round figures. I worked out how much Jamie owes me from the Venmo payment on 612. Then I counted the cash to make sure all my figures were right. I jotted notes about it for my blog. I read Telegram messages, then posted to my blog for yesterday in case I don't have time later. I jotted some notes for the next sewing project: seatbelt pillow. I went through two boxes of soft fabrics, pulling out fleece and flannels. I purposely left out the minkie because cutting that would make a terrible mess in the fellowship hall. I started cutting, but came to a halt when it called for Velcro. I couldn't find it.

I had a bite to eat, then went to the chapel for band. Bethany came so we were all there. We played through some hymns and 76 Trombones and Broadway tunes. Then we packed up. Keli stayed to play piano on her own. As I left the building, Moira was holding a live gopher by the tail. I was impressed!

I went home to drop off my trombone. Then I went to the ACS hall for the carry-in meal after the dodgeball tournament. Chris was already there and the players were just arriving. I talked to Camille. Then people lined up to get food. I sat across from Shannon and she told me about the Massage Envy that she went to and how she much she enjoyed a 'stretch' session. It sounded like a great idea.

After everyone left and all the tables put up, we went home. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Afterward, he went to bed. I stayed up to read, then retired to the recliner. One ear bud broke off and I tried to fix it to no avail. I listened with my left ear for quite some time, then gave up and went to bed.

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