Monday, July 29, 2024

Reber Reunion via Zoom


I was up by 8. I took supplements, then discovered that I took the evening collection instead of the morning collection. I checked messages. I read e-mail. Dr. Bryan Ardis talked about the nicotine found in eggplant, nightshades, etc. not being addictive. It helps with inflammatory diseases, and viral diseases.

I watered the plants in front, in back and inside. I dug up a gopher mound but could not find the tunnel. I whipped up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. Then I went to the garden to check irrigation, etc.

I came home and got dressed for church. I took my trombone to the chapel and set it up on its stand. I also put out the music stand with today's hymns. I returned home to make and eat breakfast.

Then I signed into Zoom for the Reber reunion. I called Chris for help with the camera and he said I told him to order a laptop without a camera. Huh? But he had an external one that he hooked to my computer. And it worked quite well. There were about 9 people on Zoom and one from the reunion itself. I sat through the business meeting, then chatted with the other Zoomies while the reunion people took a group pic and chatted with each other.

Around 1:30 I signed out. I took cheese squares to the chapel. The sermon was in progress but I easily and quietly slipped down the side to the front and sat and listened. Then we musicians went up front with our instruments. We played through two hymns. The chaplain was pleased with our choices. I stayed to chat with Keli and the chaplain. She paid me for yesterday, then I went home.

I read e-mail for awhile then changed clothes. I ate a grapefruit. I mended several of Chris' pants. They needed patches on top of patches, which I said I wouldn't do. But he has a goal of not buying any new suits before retirement. And he doesn't care what the patches look like.

I read some more, then invited Jenni to the pool. She agreed so I texted Michelle, too. She was busy but said her husband would go. So I got dressed and met Jenni at the pool. Casey came later. We talked and swam. I stayed in constant motion. Finally it was time to get out. It had been over an hour because the lifeguard let us stay late. So I was quite tired. I wrapped up in a towel and followed Jenni to the parking lot. Then I went home.

I changed into dry clothes. I gave some water to the tomato out front. I worked on my blog. It still wouldn't accept images. I sent feedback. We watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. I took the morning supplements to replace the evening ones that I took this morning. I read a few last e-mails, then laid in the lounger. But my hands were bothering me again so I could not fall asleep. I went to bed and laid awake there.

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