Saturday, July 20, 2024

Pickled eggs and cheese squares


I got up before 8. I watered at home and wrestled with some gopher mounds. Then I went to the garden. I fixed two leaks in the irrigation system. I went to the swap shop to move boxes to comply with fire code. Then I went to the apartment to clean for two hours.

I went home for breakfast. I made a grocery list. We went to the commissary and brought food home. Then we went to Tooele. While there I stopped at Joanns and bought more fleece. I forgot to get more stuffing. Guess I'll use batting if I run out.

When we got home, I read e-mail. I hard boiled eggs for pickling and I made a batch of cheese squares. I turned on the sprinkler. I posted for Project Night. Jamie came over to get the apartment key and a pumice stone. But she stayed to talk until the sprinklers came on.

That meant it was after 8:30. So I quick jotted notes for my blog and finished posting for Project Night. I put tea in a bottle and some cheese squares in a small container. I drove to Michelle's house. She was there with the cat and the dog. We talked and then I turned on the TV and the raspberry pie. It took a while to get the game to load. Then I started to play from where I left off.

It started out fine. I was able to get to the next level. After a bit and a clue, I solved the red-green-blue puzzle and a door opened. I explored a new area. I found the 7 rocks puzzle. The trick was to balance them, but the balancing rod did not respond to every addition or subtraction of weight. Michelle looked up the answer, but when I tried it, it didn't balance properly. So I kept trying incremental solutions. Finally the door opened and I crawled through the rock to a platform. I had to look up another clue to find the next clue. And I needed a clue to know what to do with the clue.

And then, the tablet appeared. The whole game was about finding and unlocking the tablet. But now the choice was who to give it to. I went back to the beginning and there was Yeesha, but she didn't ask for the tablet. So I went and linked to Myst. And then... was time to go home. Michelle brought out 4 bottles of goat milk and I paid her. I thanked her and drove home. Chris had left the light on for me. I turned off everything, then posted to my blog. I got ready for bed.

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