Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Finishing up 645


I got up after 7. It was cool out – in the 50's. I read some e-mail and started an order for supplements. But it was taking too long. I quit and went out to water the plants and annoy gophers. I took methylene blue.

I went to the garden to check everything. On the way someone texted me about cleaning and I agreed to doing a quote tomorrow. Then I went to 625 and cleaned for 2.5 hours. Jamie showed up just as I was leaving. We talked, then I left.

I made and ate breakfast, and read e-mail. I went by Housing to make an appointment for the final inspection of 625 at 2, then went to Saronna's house to play music. I discovered that we could play the alto sax part if we pretended the treble clef was a bass clef and lowered the key by a minor third.

After playing, I went back to 645 and cleaned for 2 hours and brought all my cleaning stuff home. I stopped at the post office. When I got home, I drank a bottle of tart cherry juice, not noticing that it said 'concentrate'. I sat in the sun and read for a bit. I was not feeling well. I ate some ground beef, then did some raking and mowing in the side yard. Still not feeling well. I worked on filling in gaps in my family tree. The juice did not settle well so I took some activated charcoal. I listened to podcasts to take my mind off of it. There were still holes in my family tree so I looked through my pics for one of the genealogy that Dad made. But I could not find it.

I took more activated charcoal. And around 1:30am things seemed settled enough that I laid in the recliner for a sleep cycle, then went to bed.

** Still can't add pics. I send them feedback every day. **

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