Wednesday, July 10, 2024

FRG meeting


I awoke hearing Chris in the shower. I went back to sleep and to the dream I was having. Then I heard my 7:30 alarm. In a few minutes, I got up, brushed my teeth, and started watering the plants. I also went to the garden to water plants, and check the traps. I noticed that the peach tree was flooded even though the timer was off. I turned the faucet off because the timer isn't stopping the flow of water.

I went to 621 to clean. I mopped floors and scrubbed some black marks, and washed shelves and appliances in the wash room. I could not get a hold of Jamie and I didn't want to repeat anything she had done. So I left.

When I got home, I looked up whitening and made a concoction with really hot water to soak a shower curtain in. Then I made up a week's worth of breakfast mix. I listened to Mike Adams talk about not recognizing the electors from any state that lets non-citizens vote in a federal election. I made and ate breakfast. I sat out in the sun and read for a bit. It was awfully hot. Thermometer read 140, ha, ha. I unpacked some boxes that came recently. I tried to order printer ink, but there was no credit card option to pay.

I looked up a recipe for pickled eggs. I punctured each egg with a push pin. I put the eggs in the pot on the stove to boil. I put beets in the jar. When the eggs were done, I put them in a cold bath. I used the pot to heat up the vinegar and water and spices. I went to the computer to double check the recipe and it was all horked up. Waterfox was trying to tell Microsoft what happened and I said 'no'. So I had to wing it based on what I remembered.

Then Chris came home and he was ready to go to the community club. I was peeling eggs, but then quit to put on shoes. We went to the club and he ordered supper. We talked to Charity and Summer. Then other people came. Camille brought me two inflatable alien costumes. Soon the FRG meeting started. We talked about VMIS and lots of other stuff.

After the meeting, both Chris and I stayed to talk, mostly to Camille because she is leaving soon. Then we went home around 8. I finished peeling the eggs, then made tea and worked on my blog. We watched two episodes of WTR. Later Chris went to bed and I stayed up to finish a podcast, then climb into the recliner to use headphones to get to sleep. It did work, but I think a commercial woke me up when the video ended. I went to bed.

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