Monday, July 8, 2024

The non-existant fruits of my labor


I got up around 8. I went out to water the plants. I moved the sprinkler. I watered a gopher hole but nothing came out. Then I read some e-mail. Later, I went to the garden to check irrigation systems and to water. I moved the hose from the apple tree to the pear tree. I checked all the fruit trees, and none of them had fruit. So the late cold snap must have killed the blossoms.

I read e-mail and articles. I parsed supplements for the week. Then I made breakfast and read while I ate. Finally I washed up and got dressed for chapel. I took the remaining cheese squares and my trombone and headed out.

As I walked in, only Rick and Keli were there. Then the supply pastor came from Tooele. Saronna came with her string bass (and her kids). Just when I thought only service participants were coming, Karen and her husband came as well as the couple from the LDS faith.

Keli led the singing, and Pastor Chris gave his sermon. Then the band played two hymns, including “God give us men whose aim twill be”. It was easy to play and I liked the words. Afterward, there was conversation and snacks. Jenni brought a white cake with strawberries on it. Karen borrowed my key so her daughter could get the stuff from the freezer.

I went home. I ate a grapefruit and read e-mail, articles, and messages. I changed my clothes. I picked and scanned two hymns for tomorrow. I started cleaning up the copy, listening to Chris talk to Michele over the internet.

When everyone was on and ready, we played the game. I ate supper when it wasn't my turn. They ended early because John was tired. Then I listened to part of an interview on breathing.

I turned on the sprinkler. I mowed the tallest parts of the yard. Mostly that is where the sprinkler heads are. I raked a bunch of gopher mounds and put the mower away.

I worked on my blog and posted for yesterday. I made tea. I turned off the sprinklers. We watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Chris went to bed, although not immediately. I got ready for bed, then stayed up to finish the interview. I crawled into the recliner wearing headphones, and waited. But sleep never came. After an hour, I went to bed.

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