Thursday, July 11, 2024

Finishing up wtih 621


I got up after hearing the 7:35 alarm. I watered the plants inside and out with fertilized water. I found a gopher in the Gopherhawk trap. I tried to re-set it in another hole, but could not find the tunnel.

I made coffee and did the special exercises. I meditated and tapped. Someone asked to go to the swap shop at 1. So after Coffee Morning, I cleaned the bathrooms, then went to unlock the swap shop. I ran past Chris talking to the postmaster. I went to the garden to check on the plants and give a little extra water. No mice in the traps.

Then I went to 621, arrived just as Jamie opened the garage door for me. We started talking about what was done vs undone, when she got a call from her son who was having a heavy nosebleed. So she walked home to help him. While she was gone, I removed all my stuff from the house. I also took stuff for the swap shop. Then she came back and we talked, deciding that we were done, except for the garage and yard – which she does. We have also reached our limit of hours to make our goal, so we will be over. But we did really well on 612.

I left there and went to Housing to schedule an inspection (Monday at 2). Then I went to the swap shop, but someone was already in that space by the door. So I went home. I resumed the music and washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I added a can of beets to the eggs.

I read some e-mail. Then I went to the swap shop. I put everything in that I didn't want to keep. I also left a bag of cleaning supplies for Steve who agreed to man the shop this evening. I grabbed a 5-gallon water jug for flushing out gophers. Then I went to the gym for a weightlifting session. I skipped one machine because someone left really heavy weights on it and I didn't want to chance lifting them off.

When I got home, I checked e-mail and messages. I washed the bowls of rootings. I planted a celery rooting in the tower garden. I put the citrus rooting outside to acclimate. Chris came home briefly between work and Mass. I worked on my blog. I did yardwork outside. After he got home, I made tea and we watched WTR. Then he got ready for bed. I did too, but stayed up later to finish a podcast. Then I laid in the recliner with headphones. I fell asleep and when I woke up, I went to bed.

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