Friday, July 19, 2024

Fire safety violations


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day and went out to water the plants. I checked the gopher trap and found nothing. Then I went to the gas station to fill up before going to the garden. Tom was there and we had a small chat. Then I went to the garden to check on irrigation systems and mouse traps. There wasn't much else to do.

I went home and got cleaning stuff. Then I went to the apartment to clean. I put all the dry innards back in the fridge. I filled the meat tray with hot ammonia water and put it in the oven with the stove filters. I cleaned cupboards, and pulled the stove forward. I had to climb to get behind the stove and unplug it. I cleaned the whole area. I pushed the stove forward to get out.

At noon I went home for breakfast. Chris came home while I was listening to The Highwire. It ended early. I read e-mail. I sat outside and read Brave New World.

Then Rick the safety guy texted me, wanting to go through the swap shop for fire safety violations at 3. I had just enough time to post about the sewing class on Saturday. Then I met him at the swap shop. We went through and moved things. We discussed other things that needed to be moved.

After our chat, I went home and got the Bradbury book, F451. I took it to the library to return. We chatted. Keli made me some copies of music. She gave me a craft for Saronna's kids. Then I went home and read more e-mail. I jotted notes for my blog. I sent out a note asking for help moving boxes at the swap shop.

I read e-mail until Jenni called and invited me to the pool. It was almost 7. So I changed into my suit and drove over there, forgetting to bring a towel. She was already in the pool, talking to Gene and Ron. I got in, thinking it was a little cool for our 100+ F days. But I swam around and we all chatted.

Eventually Ron called time, pronouncing the pool closed. We all got out. I put my shirt on over my wet suit and walked out with Jenni. I drove home, and took a short shower. Chris came home and changed his clothes. I re-dressed and ate the sweet potato I had prepared just before Jenni called. I jotted notes for my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed and I stayed up. I put on relaxing music and laid in the recliner. Sleep didn't come so I went to bed. I think I slept fine after that.

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