Saturday, July 6, 2024

Ready to eat weeds


I got up around 8, took supplements, washed up etc. Then I read e-mail till 9. I watered the plants inside and out. I jotted notes for my blog, then went to the garden. Afterward, I went to 621 to clean for two hours. Jamie was there, too, so we had a good time.

I went home for breakfast. Jamie came to put string in my weedwhacker. We discovered that the core was broken and she said she had a spare. So she went home and I finished making breakfast. I ate what I could til she came back. She had two, and the one that fit was from her other weedeater. But she tried it out to make sure it worked. Then we talked of other things. Finally she got a call from her husband and she left.

I went in to finish breakfast. I made a grocery list. We went to the commissary first and brought those groceries home. Then we went to Tooele for everything else. I needed some lace from JoAnns but they didn't have the right thing.

When we got back home, we put those groceries away. I read e-mail and posted announcements for Project Night. I stopped by Michelle's house to turn on the sprinklers. I went to clean for an hour. Jamie was there cleaning too.

I came home and ate supper. I made a Joanns order for what the store didn't have. I poured tea in a bottle and added magnesium and ashwagandha. I took my game notebook and went to Michelle's house. I turned off the sprinklers.

Then I called up the text from Casey that told me how to load the game. First item was to turn on the TV, but it would not turn on. I called Michelle. She said the remote had new batteries. I tried flipping the breaker. I tried turning the power strip off and on. I tried other lights and they had power. Finally I turned on the computer. It had power so I pressed on the TV plug to make sure it was tight, and Voila! From there I figured out how to start Windows 10, and then Myst V. I texted her so she would know.

I played with the game, getting nowhere in the rain world. I went to the time world and finished it properly. Then I went to the wind world and got stuck. I had to go to a previous version of the game to get unstuck so I was sure to save it when I regained lost time. Then I made progress in both worlds before getting stuck again.

It was after 11 and time to go home, but I had to shut it down. I tried following his directions but it didn't work like I thought it should. I went through it again, and this time it did shut down. I bid the cat goodbye and went home. I posted to my blog. Then I went to bed.

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