Friday, July 26, 2024

Trying to cheese cow's milk


I got up around 7:30, got dressed, watered plants and the yard. I flushed out a gopher, and set traps for others. I read e-mail, then went to the garden. I fertilized the veggies and fixed the shade cloth structure, and re-baited the mouse traps. Two ladies wanted to get into the swap shop so I went and unlocked it. But no one there. I left it unlocked, got my package and went home. I read e-mail. I showed Chris a post on a community Facebook page that sounded odd. He called his team to find out what was going on.

I made breakfast and started watching The Highwire. At 12:45, I put on shoes and took a contract over to 625 where I met the inspectors and went in. While the inspectors looked for damage, I filled out the contract. Then we waited for Jamie because she has Venmo on her phone. Finally I called her and she came over. We signed the papers. The inspectors and the occupant left. Jamie and I talked for some time. Then we went home.

I continued watching The Highwire. I put milk in a pot and heated it to 100. I put probiotics in it and put it in the dehydrator to ferment. I met Michelle at the gym and did a workout with weights. Then we both came to my house. I put rennet in the milk. We got the two 5-gallon water jugs and took them to the shopette to fill up. She brought them back. We talked about this and that. I checked on the curds but there weren't any. We continued talking. Then she went home.

I finished The Highwire. I added more rennet to the milk. I went to the garden to look for my pair of scissors. I had to fix the shade cloth again. Then I went to 645 with ammonia. I made sudsy ammonia in the meat drawer from the fridge, placed the hood filters, knobs and burner bowls in it and placed it in the oven. I scrubbed the stove top to little avail. I did not have the proper scrubbies. There was beer left in the fridge so I took it home.

I checked the traps and found a gopher. I took a pic and sent it to Michelle. Then I got out the mower and mowed a few parts of the lawn. I came in to work on my blog. A wind storm blew in and the internet went down so I couldn't finish. The milk still had not made curds. I made tea. We watched one episode of WTR.

My ethernet still wasn't working. We moved my laptop close to the modem so we could try a different cord. But it still didn't work. So we put it back where it was, hooked it back up like before, thinking I would have to go to wi-fi. But this time it worked. ???

I got ready for bed, then tried to finish posting my blog. But I kept getting a message about allowing Google cookies. I tried every which way to avoid it, but finally clicked on . However, Google still couldn't do it. So I had to post without a picture.

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