Monday, July 22, 2024

Looking for the hymns


I got up late, having slept through the night. That was surprising since I had eaten things at Michelle's house that I don't normally eat. I got ready for the day. I watered plants outside. I wrestled with some gopher mounds.

I read some e-mail as a break. Then I went to the garden to check the irrigation systems. I needed to patch one of the lines. I came home and read more e-mail and other messages. I listened to something online., I think.

I made and ate breakfast while still listening. I got ready for church. I looked for the large-print music but couldn't find it. So I took just the trombone and the cheese squares.

When I got there, I dropped the cheese on the back table. Then I went up front to assemble my trombone. I talked to the chaplain who was preparing for worship. Then I brought out the music stand and paged through the hymnal trying to remember what songs we had practiced. I knew one, and the other had to be in the same key. Eventually I chose another one in the same key.

I sat up front for the service. I never heard Saronna come in, probably because her kids didn't come. But when the sermon ended, she came up with her string bass. The pastor said a few more words and I had a chance to ask her what the second hymn was. And she had it on her phone. So then we played as the congregation sang. Afterward, there was chatting and snacks. Saronna gave me a box of food for the swap shop so I took it over. There were two jars of salsa and I took one after reading the ingredients.

When I got home, I read for a bit. Then I worked on choosing and scanning more music for tomorrow night. Saronna came over to get the chapel key because she left her phone in there. I finished up the music. Then I listened to another something online. I changed back into shorts. The family game got canceled, which was a real shame because we only have one session left. I went out to mow the back yard and part of the side yard. Then I came in for supper. I worked on my blog and made tea.

We watched two episodes of WTR. Then Chris got his clothes out for tomorrow and went to bed. I stayed up to read and then got in the recliner with headphones and music. But sleep did not come so I went to bed.

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