Thursday, July 18, 2024

Relinquishment of Responsibilities


I got up around 7:30. I watered the plants at home. I leveled some gopher mounds and set the Gopherhawk trap. Then I went to the garden. McKenzie was there, too. We tended our gardens, then managed to replace the timer on the peach tree with a working one.

I went home and took a shower. I put on a dress and earrings. Chris came home from work to pick me up. He asked if I had a gift bag for a dodge ball. So I went through my collection and found one that was a little too big. And a piece of tissue paper. I had to explain to Chris the protocols of tissue paper.

We went to the school auditorium for a Relinquishment of responsibilities ceremony for our CSM. He is moving on to another base. Afterward, we went to the club for lunch. Everyone stood in line to pick up lunch. I talked to people here and there, then joined Chris in line. All I got was a cup of water. I got to talk to someone from Senator Lee's team.

Then we sat with a protocol officer and chatted while Chris ate his lunch. Then they started the rounds of thank-yous. Each division gave the CSM something. Nice words were exchanged, and a few laughs.

When it was over, there was more chatting and then Chris took me home and went back to work. I spent the afternoon finishing the seatbelt pillow project for this weekend and taking some pics. Then I looked online for better pics. I found an easier way to make it: not as nice, but better for kids.

Jamie came over to pay me. I offered to help her clean a new apartment in exchange for yardwork. So she gave me the key and left. I went to the post office for mail, then to the apartment. It was different. The cabinets were lower and there were no base cabinets. Later I realized that it was for someone in a wheelchair. For two hours I cleaned the fridge and stove and cabinet fronts.

I went home and gave Chris his mail. I turned on a sprinkler. I looked at other seatbelt pillow projects online. After an hour, I turned off the sprinkler and watered some spots by hand. Then I came in and worked on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris got ready for bed and retired for the night. I put on some music and laid in the recliner and went to sleep. Later I got up and went to bed.

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