Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Emergency cleaning


I got up after 7, having had a terrible night of niggling pains. I got ready for the day. I checked messages, then watered outside. I fertilized with chelated iron. I checked messages again. Housing called and asked if I could finish the newest house in the next couple of days so they could repaint and replace the floors. I promised to try. I texted Jamie and she texted back that she would come ASAP.

I found a hymn in the same key as the one I planned for next Sunday. I scanned it into the computer and cleaned it up, then made it as big as possible. I saved it to a thumb drive.

I went to the garden to check on everything there, and to fertilize with iron. Then I went over to 645, expecting to see Jamie, but she wasn't there yet. So I parked in the garage and resumed cleaning where I'd left off on Saturday. I cleaned for 2 hours, then turned on the Self-Clean cycle on the oven.

I went home for breakfast. I read e-mail. Jamie texted me looking for the garage code. Around 2pm, I went to the post office and found no mail. Not even junk mail. Then I went to the library to print out the hymn.

Finally I arrived at 645. Jamie met me in the kitchen. We chatted for quite some time, first about the house, then about other things. Around 3 we actually got to work. I cleaned the cabinets, and the sliding glass door. When the oven was cool enough, I wiped it out. Jamie had to run home for awhile. When she got back, we chatted again. Then I finished up in the kitchen and went home.

I got home around 6. I made a carrot salad and also ate some ground beef with salsa. Then I went to band practice. We played through the hymns and a few Broadway tunes. Then we packed up. 3 year old Jedediah wanted to carry my trombone to my car, so I let him. I locked up the church and made sure everyone was out. When I got to my car, he had put it in the trunk. Then he wanted to carry my trombone stand. So I gave it to him and asked him to put it in the back seat. Which he did. So cute!

When I got home, I worked on my blog. Still not able to upload pics. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris packed for his trip and went to bed. I got ready for bed, then read for awhile, and climbed into the recliner. I did fall asleep, then went to bed after the first sleep cycle.

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