Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Passed inspection


I got up after 7. I brushed and got ready for the day. I worked on my write-up of yesterday because it was a cool 60 outside and I wanted to wait for the temp to rise. Usually it goes up about 40 degrees from early morning to late afternoon.

I sat down to post about band practice. I went to Pinterest to get funny music memes to add to the post and spent almost 3 hours before I could tear myself away. Then I watered my home plants, and afterward, went to the garden to water those. I also pulled dead mice out of the traps and buried them in the garden.

I went to 612 and gave it one last sweep. I also had to mop the kitchen floor again and scrape off black marks that I didn't notice before. Anyway, Karen texted me that she was done with my key, so I drove up the hill to her house. She gave me the chapel key and we talked.

I went home for breakfast. I listened to more of an interview from Britain. Then I went to 612 for the inspection. I opened the garage door and we all went in. Everything looked good. Gary found boxes of baggies in the cupboard. (I left them there for Jamie then forgot all about them). Anyway, papers got signed and I left.

I went home to finish breakfast. Then I worked on the hymns I scanned yesterday. I put the corrected forms on the thumb drive and went to the library. Melissa printed them out for me. And we talked for some time.

About 4pm I went to 621 and cleaned for an hour and a half. When I got back, I worked on the numbers for 612 to calculate how much to pay Jamie. Actually, she will have to pay me since the occupant paid her with Venmo.

I made a salad and heated up some chicken and rice. After eating, I went to the chapel for band practice. Everyone came but Bethany. We played through two hymns and some Broadway tunes. Then my lip gave out and we packed up to go. It took the kids longer than usual to pack up the toys they brought out from the nursery, and by the time we left, the sprinklers were on. We had to dodge them to get to the cars.

I went home and worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. I turned off the sprinkler. I took the bedtime supplements. I finished my blog post. I read some articles, then put on some music and settled myself in the recliner. Sleep seemed to take a long time in coming, but it did come and I think I was there for several cycles.

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