Thursday, July 25, 2024

A three-gopher day


I got up once during the night. I was a little nauseous, but I went to the bathroom, then back to bed. I woke up again at 6:30 (I will NOT miss Reveille after he retires), then again after Chris left for work.

I drank the third dose of epsom salt water, and went out to fertilize the plants. I found a gopher in one trap and flushed another one out with water. Then I prepared for the usual coffee morning. Sadly there was a 4th dose at 9:30. But after that, it all went as usual. Actually, I was a little disappointed because there was no flush to speak of.

Just as I started cleaning, Chris came home for lunch. I washed dishes and vacuumed. I read e-mail, putting off my shower until after the garden. But I never went. Instead, I laid out in the sun to tan some paler parts. Then I took my shower.

I was still dressed in a towel when I had to handle some phone calls. No one was available to cover the swap shop today. And Steve said we had to get all the cleaning solutions out of the swap shop. So we agreed to meet on Friday.

I read articles and listened to some interviews. Faye sent me pics from Dad's last birthday party. I hadn't realized his birthday was today. Here in Utah, it is Pioneer Day. After a while, Chris came home from work. I went out to mow. I checked the wire trap and it was covered with dirt. So I reset it and started mowing. Each time I checked again, it was covered with dirt. So I figured the rodent wasn't far away. I got out the hose and large bore watering can. I poured both in the hole at the same time. I had to do it twice, but then up he came. I clobbered him with the empty watering can. Then I left him in the hole and reset the trap in case there was another critter down there.

I finished mowing and released the battery to bring it in for recharge. But there were so many flies around that I was loathe to open the door. I slipped in without the battery and went back for it later.

After checking Telegram messages ( and wishing I knew how to share them on Facebook or by e-mail), I worked on my blog. I made tea, and we watched one episode of WTR. Later Chris went to bed. I stayed up to find a longer version of the theme song, but apparently that is all there is. Then I put on some relaxing music and crawled in the recliner. I think I fell asleep, but hard to tell. I went to bed.

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