Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A sisterly chat


I got up after 7:30. I got dressed and went out to water and dig up gopher mounds. I raked and carried off tumbleweeds. Then I sat and read barefoot in the grass.

I came in and put on an interview. As it played, I cleaned up in the kitchen. I jotted notes for my blog. I took some methylene blue. When the interview was over, I went to the post office to pick up a box of cacao nibs. I went by the apartment to pick up my cleaning supplies. I went to the fruit trees to move the hose from one to the other. I went to the library to print out music for tonight. Then I went to the garden to check the irrigation. I also used the hose to spray down my back window.

When I got home, Chris was home. He had a package from the post office (another one?) and it was shade cloth. He brought in the cacao nibs for me. I made breakfast and talked to Jamie, telling her that the lady at the post office needs help moving a mattress and furniture.

I sat out in the sun and read from Brave New World. I came in to cool off. Faye called. We talked about a bunch of things. Then another call came in so we had to hang up. I went on reading messages. I posted to Facebook for band practice. I looked at possible projects for future sewing classes. Chris came home from work.

Jamie came over to tell me about her son's first day at work. It did not go well. After she left, I made a carrot salad for supper. Then I listened to some of Dr. Ruby before gathering my instrument and music and going to the chapel.

Saronna and her kids were waiting when I got there. I unlocked the door and we all went in. Keli wasn't far behind. We played through the hymns and then some Broadway tunes. My lip ran out on 76 Trombones. So we called it a day, packed up, turned off the lights and went home.

When I got home, I worked on my blog. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Chris went to bed a little later and I got ready for bed, then read for awhile before climbing into the recliner. After 45 minutes, I gave up and went to bed.

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